dr Yanna Popova
Novel Metaphor and Narrativity, or the Interplay of Schematicity and Categorization across Verbal and Non-Verbal Media
It is a commonly accepted fact that narrative is not just a collection of literary genres or a particular category of speech. Narrative, rather, is a basic, even the basic, mode of human understanding. As such it is schematic (i.e. causal, temporal, or both) and thereby constitutes the primary scheme by means of which human experience is organized. Still, narrative is but one form of conceptual organization for human minds. This speech utilizes the distinction long existing in the literature between schematic and categorical organization of conceptual knowledge and brings it to bear on the issue of how we generate and understand novel metaphor, both verbal and non-verbal. It will be my claim in this presentation that the nature of the dominant conceptual organization in a given domain (i.e. the visual domain for pictorial metaphor) provides the default interpretative strategy for novel metaphors. However, if the default structure is deficient in some way, or difficult to interpret, readers or viewers opt for the alternative conceptual organization. Various examples from fiction and pictorial metaphor (in art and advertising) will be discussed.
The meeting will be held at the BUW building, ul. Dobra 56/66, Warszawa, 2nd floor, room 2.90, 14.00.
Possibility to join on ZOOM platform https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/98860562091?pwd=cUtGRitQTUhDKzYyV3NJYnBJdFJEQT09 (Meeting ID: 988 6056 2091 Passcode: 62939)